Это Александр и Гефестион. Для любителей - Александр сверху. Судя по пузу Гефестиона, кушать он любил всегда.
читать дальше Это Клеопатра. Полагаю, что сестра Саши. Прическа мне нравится у Клеопатры. Вот именно так македонянки и ходили. С таким вот лицом. И таким костюмом.
А это кто? Неужто первая любовь Саши? Безусловно, теперь я понимаю, почему Александра долго не тянуло на женщин.
Ну это я вообще боюсь предположить, кто это... Неужто Аттал?!
И после этого продюссер еще будет говорить: "Что касается исторического соответсвия фильма, то уверяю, мне есть что сказать тем, кто хочет стать великим". Действительно... *смотрит на Клеопатру*... Есть что сказать....
Судя по пузу Гефестиона, кушать он любил всегда. - зачем же отказывать себе в маленьких радостях Клеопатра - впечатлила, а особенно "первая любовь Саши" А, что это у нее за костюмчик? У Гефестиона выражение лица, какое-то странное
Masudi Там наверное и драконы есть, и кентавры.) точно и наверно еще есть девушки пострашней чем первая Сашина любовь=))))Хотя вот спина у Саши на 1 картинке, ничего такая спина, но это наверно самое лучшее за весь фильм))) прочитала свой предыдущий комент, ну я и промахиваюсь мимо клавиш, косорукая=))))
Маленькая Ри , сходила глянула. Мальчонка недурненький, пожалуй. Но макушка обещал большее! Или сладко дитятко Коннор Паоло (бежать усыновлять немедленно, пока не разобрали!) глаза застит?
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A look at the key moments in the Israel-Hamas war as the conflict reaches its 100th day omg сайт It’s been 100 days since the outbreak of Israel’s war in Gaza, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed "nobody will stop us" from destroying Hamas as his country faces accusations of genocide at The Hague.
The Israeli military began an offensive on the Palestinian enclave after Hamas militants launched a brutal assault on Israel on October 7, with gunmen killing around 1,200 people and taking more than 200 people hostage, according to Israeli authorities.
Since the attack, more than 23,843 people in Gaza have been killed, according to the Hamas-run health ministry.
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4rabet several support concepts 4rabet India betting site several support conceptsIn India, 4raBet allows you to win serious cash on the finest terms. It is an online casino and sports betting platform in India. We have such a fantastic sportsbook with the finest odds for football, cricket, as well as other sports gambling.
Customer supportLive online chat help is available from 4rabet India betting website customer service Live online chat help is available from 4rabet customer service. Both are easy to use and work quickly, but we suggest consulting 4rabet for assistance via the webchat window. That’s in the right corner of the screen, so it lets you type in your demand or query.
To ask a question, simply click or touch on that box below. It is not essential to wait in the queue for such a response. All of the customer service representatives are courteous and helpful. They can attach photographs with step-by-step explanations or video guides if the client requests them.
Contacts You ought to be capable of communicating with the service in a variety of ways. Because many users want to play later that evening, the service time should not be restricted to conventional business hours.
Pay attention to a staff’s civility and responsiveness, as well as their capability to react quickly. 4raBet’s assistance is second to none, and we can certainly state that 4rabet assists clients in all aspects of its business.
Email chat The Administration recommends that this approach is the worst, and that, if at all feasible, it should be used instead. E-mail is a time-honored form of communication, yet it still remains on the platform. To receive answers to these questions, send an email to support at [email protected].
Live-chat If you would like quick and straightforward access to technical help on such a website, you must consider a few crucial factors.
Among the most prominent are convenience and great convenience, which are popular among people since they are available 24 hours a day. You could also add any photographs here to help illustrate the situation.
Social networks A Telegram chatbot for 4rabet exists. For assistance, you could also use telegrams to reach out to the group. Among the most common methods is to use a live chat, which allows users to send comments to a bot within that app’s chat system and expect a message immediately to their face.
You won’t have to speak with the operators personally, and you’ll get a speedy response. By typing @fourbetsupport bot into the search window, you can find the chatbot.
Security4rabet India betting platform Curacao's most significant license We possess Curacao’s most significant license, which verifies that we will have passed all wagering regulatory checks. This proves that we are not scammers, but rather everyday individuals who help them earn a lot of money.
This is a necessary component of sports gambling since it establishes your identity and verifies that you are of appropriate age and capable of profiting from betting. Another reason we require it is to ensure that we are paying a genuine person and not just a robot.
We are completely legal in India on such a systemic level, and we have undergone numerous government tests to ensure that we would be a trustworthy organization. Local laws must be followed. We have had an Indian government operating license in India in terms of most of these reviews.
Клеопатра - впечатлила, а особенно "первая любовь Саши"
У Гефестиона выражение лица, какое-то странное
Точно. Мне кажется, Филиппыч напал на него во сне.
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Amfitrittta Да уж не из приятных, судя по кадрам. Там наверное и драконы есть, и кентавры.)
Геммиона Я гляну)
Там наверное и драконы есть, и кентавры.) точно и наверно еще есть девушки пострашней чем первая Сашина любовь=))))Хотя вот спина у Саши на 1 картинке, ничего такая спина, но это наверно самое лучшее за весь фильм)))
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It’s been 100 days since the outbreak of Israel’s war in Gaza, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed "nobody will stop us" from destroying Hamas as his country faces accusations of genocide at The Hague.
The Israeli military began an offensive on the Palestinian enclave after Hamas militants launched a brutal assault on Israel on October 7, with gunmen killing around 1,200 people and taking more than 200 people hostage, according to Israeli authorities.
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Данный свет содержит большое количество потенциальных применений, от спектроскопии, где свет дает возможность физикам получить знания о внутренностях разных материалов, до связи на основе света.
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Самое ключевое: Утепление стен снаружи цена за м2 у нас стартует всего от 1250 рублей за м²! Это бюджетное решение, которое изменит ваш домашний уголок в реальный тепличный корнер с скромными издержками.
Наши труды – это не исключительно утепление, это образование помещения, в где всякий компонент выражает ваш уникальный манеру. Мы учтем все ваши пожелания, чтобы преобразить ваш дом еще больше теплым и привлекательным.
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Не откладывайте дела о своем квартире на потом! Обращайтесь к профессионалам, и мы сделаем ваш дом не только теплее, но и более элегантным. Заинтересовались? Подробнее о наших проектах вы можете узнать на официальном сайте. Добро пожаловать в сферу гармонии и качественной работы.
4rabet several support concepts
4rabet India betting site several support conceptsIn India, 4raBet allows you to win serious cash on the finest terms. It is an online casino and sports betting platform in India. We have such a fantastic sportsbook with the finest odds for football, cricket, as well as other sports gambling.
Customer supportLive online chat help is available from 4rabet India betting website customer service
Live online chat help is available from 4rabet customer service. Both are easy to use and work quickly, but we suggest consulting 4rabet for assistance via the webchat window. That’s in the right corner of the screen, so it lets you type in your demand or query.
To ask a question, simply click or touch on that box below. It is not essential to wait in the queue for such a response. All of the customer service representatives are courteous and helpful. They can attach photographs with step-by-step explanations or video guides if the client requests them.
You ought to be capable of communicating with the service in a variety of ways. Because many users want to play later that evening, the service time should not be restricted to conventional business hours.
Pay attention to a staff’s civility and responsiveness, as well as their capability to react quickly. 4raBet’s assistance is second to none, and we can certainly state that 4rabet assists clients in all aspects of its business.
Email chat
The Administration recommends that this approach is the worst, and that, if at all feasible, it should be used instead. E-mail is a time-honored form of communication, yet it still remains on the platform. To receive answers to these questions, send an email to support at [email protected].
If you would like quick and straightforward access to technical help on such a website, you must consider a few crucial factors.
Among the most prominent are convenience and great convenience, which are popular among people since they are available 24 hours a day. You could also add any photographs here to help illustrate the situation.
Social networks
A Telegram chatbot for 4rabet exists. For assistance, you could also use telegrams to reach out to the group. Among the most common methods is to use a live chat, which allows users to send comments to a bot within that app’s chat system and expect a message immediately to their face.
You won’t have to speak with the operators personally, and you’ll get a speedy response. By typing @fourbetsupport bot into the search window, you can find the chatbot.
Security4rabet India betting platform Curacao's most significant license
We possess Curacao’s most significant license, which verifies that we will have passed all wagering regulatory checks. This proves that we are not scammers, but rather everyday individuals who help them earn a lot of money.
This is a necessary component of sports gambling since it establishes your identity and verifies that you are of appropriate age and capable of profiting from betting. Another reason we require it is to ensure that we are paying a genuine person and not just a robot.
We are completely legal in India on such a systemic level, and we have undergone numerous government tests to ensure that we would be a trustworthy organization. Local laws must be followed. We have had an Indian government operating license in India in terms of most of these reviews.