Iron Maiden - Alexander the Great
My son, ask for thyself another kingdom,
For that which I leave is too small for thee.
Near to the East, in a part of ancient Greece,
In an ancient land called Macedonia,
Was born a son to Philip of Macedon,
The legend his name was Alexander.
At the age of nineteen,
He became the Macedon king,
And swore to free all of Asia Minor,
By the Aegian Sea in 334 BC,
He utterly beat the armies of Persia.
Alexander the Great,
His name struck fear into hearts of men,
Alexander the Great,
Became a legend amongst mortal men.
King Darius the third, Defeated fled Persia,
The Scythians fell by the river Jaxartes,
Then Egypt fell to the Macedon king as well,
And he founded the city called Alexandria.
By the Tigris river, he met King Darius again,
And crushed him again in the battle of Arbela,
Entering Babylon and Susa, treasures he found,
Took Persepolis, the capital of Persia.
A Phrygian King had bound a chariot yoke,
And Alexander cut the Gordion knot,
And legend said that who untied the knot,
He would become the master of Asia.
Heroism he spread far and wide,
The Macedonian learned mind,
Their culture was a western way of life,
He paved the way for Christianity.
Marching on, Marching on.
The battle weary marching side by side,
Alexander's army line by line,
They wouldn't follow him to India,
Tired of the combat, pain and the glory.
Alexander the Great,
His name struck fear into hearts of men,
Alexander the Great,
He died of fever in Babylon.
My son, ask for thyself another kingdom,
For that which I leave is too small for thee.
Near to the East, in a part of ancient Greece,
In an ancient land called Macedonia,
Was born a son to Philip of Macedon,
The legend his name was Alexander.
At the age of nineteen,
He became the Macedon king,
And swore to free all of Asia Minor,
By the Aegian Sea in 334 BC,
He utterly beat the armies of Persia.
Alexander the Great,
His name struck fear into hearts of men,
Alexander the Great,
Became a legend amongst mortal men.
King Darius the third, Defeated fled Persia,
The Scythians fell by the river Jaxartes,
Then Egypt fell to the Macedon king as well,
And he founded the city called Alexandria.
By the Tigris river, he met King Darius again,
And crushed him again in the battle of Arbela,
Entering Babylon and Susa, treasures he found,
Took Persepolis, the capital of Persia.
A Phrygian King had bound a chariot yoke,
And Alexander cut the Gordion knot,
And legend said that who untied the knot,
He would become the master of Asia.
Heroism he spread far and wide,
The Macedonian learned mind,
Their culture was a western way of life,
He paved the way for Christianity.
Marching on, Marching on.
The battle weary marching side by side,
Alexander's army line by line,
They wouldn't follow him to India,
Tired of the combat, pain and the glory.
Alexander the Great,
His name struck fear into hearts of men,
Alexander the Great,
He died of fever in Babylon.
Iron Mask - Alexander the Great hordes of the Brave (part 1)
He was the son of one Phillip The King, ancient lord on the dawn of time
Olympias, his mother was a witch, dedicated to the rites and spell
She killed the king and he became the master, Leading hordes of Macedonia
Furious army of barbarians, taking Greece and all cities of Zeus.
In the eye of the storm, Athena gave him strength and power
No mercy for the enemies, king of kings, he was the strongest man on the earth.
On the wings of the war, there's no limit for the bravest reign
Through the wilderness and on trails of sand
He was conquering the Persian throne, the vision of a life.
Alexander The Great, you'd been chosen by gods
Alexander The Great, glorious power and golden lord
With many thousand men and chargers, his campaign set off to the east
Taking Gaza and the fortress' gold, reaching roads of Babylon
Battle after battle, his territory (was) growing on
When he arrived at the pyramids, the holy land was gift.
In the eye of the storm, Athena gave him strength and power
No mercy for the enemies, king of kings, he was the strongest man on the earth.
On the wings of the war, there's no limit for the bravest reign
Through the wilderness and on trails of sand
He was conquering the Persian throne, the vision of a life.
Alexander The Great, you'd been chosen by gods
Alexander The Great, glorious power and golden lord
On the shore of the Egyptian sea, building the city of Alexandria.
And in the oracle of Zeus-Ammon, the old priest told him
You're the chosen one, the son of god
In the eye of the storm, Athena gave him strength and power
No mercy for the enemies, king of kings, he was the strongest man on the earth.
On the wings of the war, there's no limit for the bravest reign
Through the wilderness and on trails of sand
He was conquering the Persian throne.
On the wings of the war, there's no limit for the bravest reign
Through the wilderness and on trails of sand
He was conquering the Persian throne, the vision of a life.
Alexander The Great, you'd been chosen by gods
Alexander The Great, glorious power and golden lord
He was the son of one Phillip The King, ancient lord on the dawn of time
Olympias, his mother was a witch, dedicated to the rites and spell
She killed the king and he became the master, Leading hordes of Macedonia
Furious army of barbarians, taking Greece and all cities of Zeus.
In the eye of the storm, Athena gave him strength and power
No mercy for the enemies, king of kings, he was the strongest man on the earth.
On the wings of the war, there's no limit for the bravest reign
Through the wilderness and on trails of sand
He was conquering the Persian throne, the vision of a life.
Alexander The Great, you'd been chosen by gods
Alexander The Great, glorious power and golden lord
With many thousand men and chargers, his campaign set off to the east
Taking Gaza and the fortress' gold, reaching roads of Babylon
Battle after battle, his territory (was) growing on
When he arrived at the pyramids, the holy land was gift.
In the eye of the storm, Athena gave him strength and power
No mercy for the enemies, king of kings, he was the strongest man on the earth.
On the wings of the war, there's no limit for the bravest reign
Through the wilderness and on trails of sand
He was conquering the Persian throne, the vision of a life.
Alexander The Great, you'd been chosen by gods
Alexander The Great, glorious power and golden lord
On the shore of the Egyptian sea, building the city of Alexandria.
And in the oracle of Zeus-Ammon, the old priest told him
You're the chosen one, the son of god
In the eye of the storm, Athena gave him strength and power
No mercy for the enemies, king of kings, he was the strongest man on the earth.
On the wings of the war, there's no limit for the bravest reign
Through the wilderness and on trails of sand
He was conquering the Persian throne.
On the wings of the war, there's no limit for the bravest reign
Through the wilderness and on trails of sand
He was conquering the Persian throne, the vision of a life.
Alexander The Great, you'd been chosen by gods
Alexander The Great, glorious power and golden lord
Сергей Бабкин - Александр
Зря ли мы
Брали мир
На ладони свои
Передавали в руки тем,
Кто не помнил, кем был
До того
Перед тем,
Как упал
Держись, не сдавайся, Гефестион!
Мы уйдем с тобой вместе
Под пятой Ахиллеса в леса.
Александр, новая миссия,
Мы обязаны вместе быть,
Пока будет скакать Буцефал.
Знали мы,
Когда срывали плод истины,
Что потом наши пристани
По велению Зевса,
Пройдя через все стены сердца,
Останутся мыслями,
Буквами с числами,
А значит бурям завистливым
С наших кораблей
Никогда не сорвать паруса.
Держись, не сдавайся, Гефестион!
Мы уйдем с тобой вместе
Под пятой Ахиллеса в леса.
Александр, новая миссия,
Мы обязаны вместе быть,
Пока будет скакать Буцефал.
Звали мы,
Ждали помощи от брата ближнего,
Отрезая все лишнее,
Уповая на милость Всевышнего.
Царство небесное всем, кто плыл
От берега к берегу,
Соединил материки в один.
Держись, не сдавайся, Гефестион!
Мы уйдем с тобой вместе
Под пятой Ахиллеса в леса.
Александр, новая мисиия,
Мы обязаны вместе быть,
Пока будет скакать Буцефал.
Зря ли мы
Брали мир
На ладони свои
Передавали в руки тем,
Кто не помнил, кем был
До того
Перед тем,
Как упал
Держись, не сдавайся, Гефестион!
Мы уйдем с тобой вместе
Под пятой Ахиллеса в леса.
Александр, новая миссия,
Мы обязаны вместе быть,
Пока будет скакать Буцефал.
Знали мы,
Когда срывали плод истины,
Что потом наши пристани
По велению Зевса,
Пройдя через все стены сердца,
Останутся мыслями,
Буквами с числами,
А значит бурям завистливым
С наших кораблей
Никогда не сорвать паруса.
Держись, не сдавайся, Гефестион!
Мы уйдем с тобой вместе
Под пятой Ахиллеса в леса.
Александр, новая миссия,
Мы обязаны вместе быть,
Пока будет скакать Буцефал.
Звали мы,
Ждали помощи от брата ближнего,
Отрезая все лишнее,
Уповая на милость Всевышнего.
Царство небесное всем, кто плыл
От берега к берегу,
Соединил материки в один.
Держись, не сдавайся, Гефестион!
Мы уйдем с тобой вместе
Под пятой Ахиллеса в леса.
Александр, новая мисиия,
Мы обязаны вместе быть,
Пока будет скакать Буцефал.